Today, ringing phones and constantly pinging laptops became our lifestyle. The busy schedules turned our life into a mechanical system. We work day and night without taking rest only for living a happy lifestyle. Getting rest is not all about watching television, playing video games, chatting with friends, and hobbies. Relaxing our body and soul is what is actually called rest. We follow many methods for relaxation like yoga, meditation, and exercise. One among them is massages that refresh your body and soul. Massages benefit you in lots of ways. To know more about reasons to get ahead of massage therapy further continue reading this blog. If you are looking for a Massage Centre in Velachery then step forward to Le Bliss Spa. Book your appointment today!.
Head Massage
A Head massage is a therapeutic massage in which massage techniques are practiced on the head to release mental tension and stress. The massage is not only practiced on the head, it is also done on the area near the head like the face, neck, shoulders, and arms. Small strokes are performed on these regions to remove the muscle knots, inflammation, tension, and muscle pain.
This head massage is also known as Champissage which is an ancient ayurvedic method to heal the body. In India, head massage is practiced as a therapy for wellbeing. This massage regulates the three chakras vishuddha, sahasrara and ajna in our body. These chakras are responsible for mental peace, healing, vitality, and relaxation. So, getting a head massage will give you all these benefits. Head massage can be done by anyone but it won’t give an experience of a professional head massage. Because only a skilled therapist will know about all the trigger points and standard techniques that are practiced during the massage. If you are searching for a Massage in Anna Nagar then step forward into Le Bliss Spa.
How to do a head massage?
Head massage can be performed on a chair, table, or on a couch. The expert will confirm whether you are comfortable in the position or not. If you notify the therapist about your pain points, then the therapist will start the massage by giving a firm massage on your pain points. The therapist will massage the areas like shoulders, neck, upper back, and arms in a rotational motion. Starting from the neck to shoulder the therapist will give you some strokes to relax your shoulder and neck muscles. Then the massage is continued in the spine region with the thumb in small circles. This will release the tension in the spinal cord. The expert will further continue the massage in the backside of the neck region. By giving mild pressure on the neck region, the tension between the neck and the head region. The expert will then tilt your head right and left to remove the knots. Then the scalp is rubbed for almost three to four minutes. With mild strokes on the forehead to the back of your head. Get these head massage techniques and get rid of your headache by entering the Le Bliss Spa. They offer you all the massage services at a reasonable price. They are the best Spa in Chennai, get your relaxing massage by booking your appointment.
Oils used in head massage
Coconut oil
It is a well-known and most preferred oil which has many benefits. It is the best oil for head massage and gives you a relaxed feel when you massage with this. As coconut oil has a strong odor it won’t be well suited for many people. A little bit of high usage of coconut oil can lead to cold and fever for many people. This oil is very good and beneficial for people who have dry and thin hair. It also helps in reducing the heat of the body.
Almond oil
The next oil that is highly preferred after coconut oil is almond oil. This oil helps in treating dry and thin hair. If you want to increase your hair density then this almond oil is very much helpful for you. Besides, this oil is very much useful in soothing the nerves, removing aches, stress, and body pain. If you have a high amount of split ends, then this oil will be beneficial for you.
Mustard oil
Mustard oil is so strong compared to other oils. This oil is mainly used in the northern part of the country. This mustard oil is highly suggested to a person who has a cold body. Because this oil generates heat which helps in regulating blood circulation, removes knots, relieves tension, relaxes the scalp, and increases hair growth. One of the benefits of this oil is it does need to blend with any of the herbs or essential oils.
Sesame oil
This sesame oil is also called a scalp nourisher. It mainly reduces stiffness and tightness in the scalp region. This promotes fast hair growth, reduces split-ends, and reduces hair fall. Additionally, this oil relieves scalp aches and pains. Mixing this sesame oil with Brahmi or hibiscus herbs can give you more benefits.
Olive oil
Olive oil is highly preferred because of its benefits like relieving soreness and tension in the muscles. It is usually used for kids and especially for very thick and oily hair. This olive oil will reduce the oily nature of your hair and promote healthy hair growth. This oil has the property of purifying and it is mixed with the neem which is absorbed by the open pores during the massage.
Benefits of head massage
There are many benefits of head massage and let us discuss them further in this blog. Get into the Massage Spa in Anna Nagar and get delighted.
Relief from migraine
Most people suffer from migraine headaches which is now a common problem. During the massage, the therapist will give pressure on the head massage pressure points to reduce the migraine pain. This technique also helps in improving blood circulation to the brain.
Increase memory power
If you are a person who often forgets something then head massages will definitely help you. Ayurvedic head massage increases the blood flow to the nervous system which increases your concentration levels.
Maintains blood pressure
Irregular blood pressure will lead to many health problems. A regular head massage helps in decreasing the stress hormone level and also regulates your blood pressure level. If your blood pressure is normal that reduces the chances of heart disease.
Reduces stress
Everyone faces stress in our day-to-day life. But most of them don’t know this stress leads to many disorders and health issues like digestion problems, difficulty in breathing, sleeping disorder, etc. Head massage helps in improving your energy level, lowering body pain, and improves overall physical and mental health.
In this blog, we discussed head massage, oils used during the massage, and their benefits. If you are searching for a Massage in Chennai then step into Le Bliss Spa. Book your appointment right now!.